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Multi-Map Technology

Tuning for every sensor.

DTE have developed a multi-map tuning technology which can optimise up to five different channels, all in real time.

Whether it be common rail pressure, boost pressure, turbo pressure, intake manifold pressure or air mass volume, DTE’s PowerControl is able to control them all. Even the latest generation and most technically demanding engines are effortlessly controlled, all within a multi-dimensional multi-map environment. The driver is able to select from 3 different programs: Sport, Dynamic and Efficiency.

Compatible with Diesel particulate filters

Clean Power.

Another advantage of the Multi-Map Technology is that it conforms with the vehicles legal predetermined emission values. Combusted fuel efficiency is 100% throughout the rev range by the PowerControl which means it can safely be used on vehicles with DPF’s. Its compliance with the vehicles emission values can be confirmed in its TUV parts certification.

Adaptive Sensor System

Intelligent performance increase on driver’s command.

The Adaptive Sensor System scrutinizes all the relevant engine data and after detecting its respective load state, will provide more power when necessary. Should the driver demand more power, for example, when overtaking, the system will automatically switch on. If the additional power is not used, the system will gradually reduce the power, all power changes are seamless and dynamic.

Not only are the best performance yields based on engine load state but also on road speeds, that’s what DTE’s adaptive tuning technology offers, more power with less fuel usage.


Adjusts automatically to driving behavior.

This innovation allows DTE’s tuning products to ‘learn’ the unique characteristics of your vehicle. During a short setup period, the chips memory function records the engines injection cycle data and optimises the reloaded maps accordingly. Standard vehicle tolerances are taken into account and an optimal tune is achieved – all without any complicated driver input.

Engine Protect+

Added safety and protection for your car.

A whole new range of new safety standards are introduced with DTE’s new Engine Protect+ feature. This function has the important task of continually monitoring the ECU’s signals to the engine and safeguarding them against any overloads. The protective functions of the ECU as well as air fuel ratios remain intact and within specification, ensuring complete peace of mind.


A milestone in engine tuning.

This newly developed multi-protocol tuning technology in the SNT PowerControl combines both analog and digital ECU technologies. Digital SENT signals are recorded and optimised by the SNT PowerControl while at the same time capturing important analog signals from the ECU. Our SNT PowerControl is a real milestone in the performance industry and a world first, only from DTE.

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Cu bucurie si precautie avem deschis la sediul nostru si va asteptam cu drag. Totusi, avand in vedere situatia mondiala care perturba interactiunile sociale, va rugam respectuos ca atunci cand ne vizitati sa tineti cont de urmatoarele masuri pe care le-am luat ca sa impiedicam raspandirea noului coronavirus COVID-19.

Masuri pe care sa le respecte clientii in timpul petrecut la sediul TCM Tuning:

  • Sa nu vina insotiti de alte persoane la sediul firmei pentru a evita stationarea in acelasi loc a unui numar mare de persoane.
  • Sa poarte masca si sa o manevreze corect tot timpul petrecut in sediul firmei (masca nu se atinge cu mana neigienizata, se poarta asa incat sa acopere concomitent nasul si gura, inainte de a o folosi se spala mainile, se aseaza corect pe fata asa incat sa nu fie spatii intre masca si fata).
  • Sa se spele pe maini sau sa se dezinfecteze de indata ce au sosit si ori de cate ori considera ca e nevoie.
  • Sa pastreze distanta de minim 1,5 metri fata de alte persoane.
  • Sa respecte data si ora programarii facuta in prealabil asa incat sa se se suprapuna prezenta mai multor clienti in acelasi timp.
  • Sa stationeze in aer liber la foisor pe perioada executarii lucrarii in cazul in care vremea permite.
  • Sa nu se prezinte la sediul firmei daca au semne de boala sau daca sunt contact direct cu o alta persoana cu semne de boala sau confirmat dar asimptomatic. Vom reprograma lucrarea pentru o alta data aleasa de comun acord.
  • Sa respecte regulile de igiena recomandate de autoritati si regulamentul firmei, sa fie onest si responsabil cu privire la conduita.
  • Sa permita masurarea temperaturii, conform CNSU nr. 24 din 14.05.2020 cu privire la triajul epidemiologic in vigoare pana la noi ordine. In caz contrar nu este permis accesul in incinta.

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